Sunday, May 23, 2010

36 weeks

Alright...we're almost there! This little girl is running out of room inside of me. She is unfortunately still breech, so we'll see what happens in the next couple weeks. If she doesn't turn, she will be gracing us with her presence (via doctor's intervention) in three short weeks! If she turns, then she can take her dear time coming out (hopefully not too long though). Still the slow steady weight gain...I am a little wider and carrying lower (profile shot looks pretty close to three weeks ago though). Everyone is assuming I am due any day now, which, in all honesty, is possible. Hospital bag is packed and ready to go. Baby's room clean and cute. Newborn clothes washed and put away. Enough diapers for at least the first week or two. Now the waiting game begins. I still have things left to do, but I tried to get all the important things done before this point. It is pretty tough to be comfortable now...heartburn is a regular problem, as well as finding a comfortable position to sleep in. But thankfully I have lots of time to rest at home before she gets here. Praying and hoping for a smooth delivery (whatever way God sees best) and a healthy, happy baby!

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