Sunday, May 2, 2010

33 weeks

Here we are - in the last stretch! This little girl is welcome to come anytime in the next 4 to 8 weeks. Whenever she is ready! She is still very active and very visible on the outside now. It's fun to watch the rolling going on under my shirt. :)

The dreaded heartburn and nausea have returned in full force. I am hoping that I'll be able to eat enough for the two of us during the remaining month or two. Just not much room in there! Other than that, the baby and I are doing very well. Still measuring and weighing-in right on target.

Only one more week of work, then I'll be at home getting things ready for baby. AND getting lots of needed rest. It's a little sad to leave all the kiddos and my co-workers at the school, but I am excited for a bit of me time before my little one is here. The nursery is looking fabulous...only a few finishing touches and it will be ready.

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