Saturday, March 27, 2010

Third Trimester!

It is here....the last leg of the journey. The third trimester. I cannot believe how quickly it arrived. In roughly another 12 weeks Mike and I will be holding our little girl in our arms. We can't contain our excitement!

I have had a teensie-weensie bit more energy over the past two weeks. I have started the mural for the baby room and will post pics when it's all done (hopefully this week, but we'll see). The energy has helped me get some things done that I've been putting off, but unfortunately it doesn't last as long as I'd like. I'll take what I can get though.

Last weekend Mike and I took a crash-course birthing class. We got to tour the maternity ward, ask our questions, simulate labor, etc. We were exhausted by the end of the eight-hour day, but feel more prepared than we were before the class. And we were sent home with plenty of pamphlets and other reading material to help us stew over what was taught. Next on the list is finding "THE" pediatrician for us and start getting our spoiled pup ready for a baby. Oh joy.

All of my doctor's appointments have been going well. Baby's doing great, as am I. Not gaining too much weight and hopefully it will stay that way. :) Our little gymnastic/dancer is still bouncing away inside of Mommy. Pretty soon she'll be getting too big to wiggle around as much as she does. In the meantime, hopefully she'll get herself turned around in the right direction. Ha!


Judy Baskerville said...

Okay, I know it sounds a little hokey-pokey, but if you're worried about your baby facing the right direction, just tell her how to come out. I know that sounds really weird, but bear with me. I told my babes that nearly every day from early on, "Head down, face mommy's spine, between seven and eight pounds." I neglected to tell Edmund to keep his hands on his chest, but I didn't repeat that mistake with his sister. And you know, they were always head down and between seven and eight pounds. I believe it all has to do with the power of words. So just tell her! :D

Amy Hinman said...

Will do Judy! I also need to remind her that my bladder is neither a trampoline or punching bag. :)