Sunday, March 7, 2010

Growing like a weed...

Well, today marks week 25. Only another three weeks to go before I am considered in the third trimester. It has gone fast! As you'll see from my photo journal, the bump is definitely growing. Especially within the past two weeks! Wow, what a difference. Just starting to feel out of breath while walking (and especially climbing stairs). Not much difference in my energy level, but I am getting more and more excited the further along I get. Our little one has become much more active in these past couple of weeks as well. Kicking and poking and somersaulting...she loves to move. I think I might have a little dancer or gymnast growing inside of me!

In other news, we just finished clearing out the old office today. I washed and taped the walls and baseboards. So now we are ready to begin painting! It is an office no longer. It is now the baby's room! Hopefully we can get the wall color up this week. I would like to begin my mural this next weekend. The goal is to have it done by Easter (because I really don't think I'll feel like doing it after that). I will post pics of the room when it is complete. Well, that's it for now!

1 comment:

Judy Baskerville said...

You look beautiful!

Keep talking to your little girl--now's the only time you'll be uninterrupted! LOL And she'll love to dance to you singing, too. I'm so excited for you.