Sunday, January 10, 2010

18 weeks and counting....

Well the pregnancy has been progressing well. I only had to deal with 5 or 6 weeks of really bad nausea and still have occasional fatigue. Overall feeling great!

I've really started to show over the past few weeks. I am so glad that I am photo journaling the progression of "le Bump" (a.k.a. my growing belly).

The doctors and I still disagree as to my due date. I am convinced that I am due June 9th while doctors are saying June 20th. I know it's not a big difference, but if they were right I wouldn't have found out I was pregnant when I did. I think I'll win in the end. :)

A little less than three weeks to the big ultrasound. I am so excited to see how much baby has grown and developed. And, of course, I really would love to know if it is a girl or a boy. We'll see!

1 comment:

Judy Baskerville said...

Cute bump! Great progression.....keep up the good growing! Almost half-way there! When did that happen, eh?