Thursday, January 21, 2010

Halfway Point....20 Weeks!

Halfway Point….20 Weeks!

Next bump pic coming soon...I need to find a new navy tank that fits. :D

My big ultrasound appointment is coming up one week from tomorrow! I cannot wait! I am so anxious to find out if we’re having a boy or a girl. You have no idea. Mike is excited as well and will be coming with me to the appointment. We have both names already picked out and will share them as soon as we know what we’re having. After the appointment we’ll have a better idea of the due date as well.

I haven’t been having any really strange cravings so far. I notice sometimes I want more salad, fruit or dairy. I guess what I want depends on what my body is telling me I need. But nothing really strange yet. I’m glad I’ve been wanting mostly healthy things right now. I think today I drank three glasses of milk; not including what was in my breakfast cereal (and what’s funny is I never liked or drank plain milk before now!).

I’ve been feeling the need to be more active. I haven’t really been doing much as far as exercise so far during the pregnancy due to fatigue, but every now and then I get a little antsy and feel I need to get moving. I do have a prenatal pilates video that I enjoy every once in a while. I really wish I had someplace where I could go swimming…I know that would be beneficial. What’s nice is I do a lot of walking up and down stairs at work and some minor lifting and moving of books. So without even exercising, I am still getting some cardio and strength training.

Also in new news....quite positive that I've been feeling the baby move for a few days now. It's such a different sensation! I know those kicks will get harder by the week though! :)

I really wish I knew someone else (that I see regularly) that was also expecting. I have several friends that live far away, but none close by in the same boat. It would kind of be nice to be able to compare bellies, symptoms, joys and anxieties with someone in similar circumstances. I am blessed though. I am surrounded by a great support system at work, at church, at home, and through email/facebook/phone. Thank God for all my great friends, family and co-workers that have been there to share their stories, give advice, pray for me and just listen to what I’m going through. You all are the best!

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