Monday, August 30, 2010

Loving life

Life is so precious. I am amazed each day at how much more I grow to adore this sweet little girl that God has blessed us with. Each smile and trusting look she gives overwhelms me. I am so blessed. Being a mother is just like I always thought it would It's even better! To have someone depend upon you and love you unconditionally is such an extraordinary thing. I cannot get over it!

Finley will be 11 weeks old tomorrow. She is sleeping through the night wonderfully! She is a good eater and overall a happy little baby. She loves to "talk" to Mommy and Daddy and her toys. She will stare at herself in the mirror for hours and absolutely loves her bath time. She cries and cries when it's time to get out of the tub! I may have a little swimmer on my hands. :) Mike and I both just love her to pieces. God has truly blessed us!