Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The mural is finished!

Here are the promised pictures...I will take more when we have all the decorations, furniture, and bedding in place.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

30 weeks

Wow! Getting closer and closer. Just had a wonderful Spring Break. Now back to work for around four more weeks. Then I'll get a little resting time before baby gets here. I get to see my doctor more regularly now - every two weeks. Then once I hit 36 weeks, it's every week until baby comes. It really is coming fast. Not much new to and I are still doing well. She is still flipping around inside trying to decide how to get comfortable. :) I still tire quickly and enjoy getting to nap and rest. And I'm still not done painting the baby mural! I better get crackin'! Well here's your photo update this week!