Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I am so tired of being tired. I've had a week and a half vacation of work due to two blizzards. All the rest was good for me, but I did not accomplish much. I tried to get things done, like work on the nursery, get the house clean, get some projects done....but I struggled to do the smallest things. Doing the dishes makes me need to sit down for a long time. Cleaning the bathroom or folding laundry makes me need a nap. Cooking dinner makes me so tired that I can barely eat it. I have gotten so little done in my time off that I am frantic that I won't be able to handle a "normal" week when work start back up tomorrow. God help me! I really hope that my second trimester burst of energy will kick in soon...but then there are only another four weeks before it's over and I'm in the third. Yikes! The time is just flying by!

Besides feeling like a zombie, I am so elated. Feeling the little one within me kicking and moving more and more each day is so wonderfully exciting. We've even felt a few kicks on the outside! What a little miracle. She's worth it all. I cannot believe that in a few short months I am going to be a mommy. (sigh) :)